Zoho People

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What is Zoho People?

Zoho People is a cloud-based HR management software that streamlines employee information, attendance tracking, leave management, performance appraisal, and more for efficient HR operations in organizations.

Zoho People is a comprehensive cloud-based human resources management software designed to streamline and optimize various HR processes within organizations. It offers a wide range of tools and features that facilitate the efficient management of employee information, attendance tracking, leave management, performance appraisal, time tracking, and more.
The platform allows HR professionals and managers to create and maintain a centralized database of employee profiles, ensuring easy access to essential information. Zoho People’s attendance tracking and leave management modules automate the monitoring of employee attendance, leaves, and time-off requests, reducing manual administrative tasks.
Additionally, the software offers performance appraisal tools that help in setting and evaluating employee goals, conducting performance reviews, and generating performance reports. With customizable workflows and automation capabilities, Zoho People aids in the smooth execution of HR processes, enhancing productivity and reducing errors.

How does Zoho People simplify HR and people management processes?

 Zoho People simplifies HR and people management by automating tasks like attendance tracking, leave management, and performance appraisal. It centralizes data, streamlines processes, and enhances communication, boosting organizational efficiency and employee satisfaction.

Zoho People simplifies HR and people management processes through its comprehensive suite of features that automate and centralize essential tasks. The software offers a unified platform for managing employee information, attendance, leave, performance, and more.
By centralizing employee data, Zoho People ensures easy access to information, reducing the need for manual data handling. Its attendance tracking feature automates timekeeping, minimizing errors and saving time for HR personnel. Leave management becomes streamlined as employees can request time off digitally, and managers can approve or decline requests within the platform.
Performance appraisal tools in Zoho People facilitate goal setting, regular feedback, and performance reviews. The system helps track employee progress, simplifying the evaluation process and promoting employee development.
Zoho People’s customizable workflows and automation features automate routine tasks such as onboarding and document submission, freeing HR professionals to focus on strategic initiatives.

Can I manage employee onboarding and offboarding with Zoho People?

Zoho People facilitates employee onboarding and offboarding through customizable workflows, ensuring smooth processes for tasks like document submission, training, and exit interviews. It centralizes information, enhances efficiency, and maintains compliance.

Yes, Zoho People provides robust tools for managing both employee onboarding and offboarding processes. For onboarding, the platform offers customizable workflows to guide new hires through essential tasks like document submission, training, and orientation. HR professionals can set up templates and automated notifications, ensuring a smooth and consistent onboarding experience.
Conversely, Zoho People also simplifies employee offboarding. The system allows HR teams to create checklists that cover tasks such as equipment return, exit interviews, and access revocation. This ensures that no crucial steps are missed during the departure process, enhancing security and compliance.
Through Zoho People, organizations can store all relevant employee information in one place, which aids in a seamless transition during employee turnover. The software also enables data archiving and ensures that sensitive information is properly managed post-offboarding.

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Does Zoho People offer performance appraisal and feedback features?

Zoho People provides performance appraisal and feedback features that allow organizations to set goals, track progress, and conduct assessments. These tools enhance communication, transparency, and employee growth within the organization.

Absolutely, Zoho People includes comprehensive performance appraisal and feedback features that help organizations effectively evaluate and develop their employees. The platform offers tools to set performance goals, track progress, and conduct regular assessments. HR teams and managers can establish performance criteria, enabling employees to align their efforts with organizational objectives.
Zoho People’s feedback mechanisms encourage continuous communication between employees and supervisors. It facilitates both self-assessment and manager evaluations, fostering a well-rounded view of an employee’s performance. These features enhance transparency and enable constructive conversations during performance reviews.
Furthermore, the software’s analytics capabilities provide insights into individual and team performance trends. This data-driven approach allows for informed decision-making and targeted training initiatives. Through its integrated approach to performance management, Zoho People promotes employee growth and engagement.

How can I track employee attendance and time with Zoho People?

Zoho People simplifies attendance tracking and time management by allowing employees to clock in/out via web or mobile app. It offers real-time data, supports various tracking methods, and streamlines timesheet approvals, enhancing accuracy and efficiency in workforce management.

Zoho People offers robust solutions for tracking employee attendance and managing time effectively. The platform provides features that automate and streamline these processes, reducing manual administrative tasks.
For employee attendance, Zoho People offers a user-friendly interface where employees can clock in and out using a web browser or mobile app. This real-time tracking eliminates the need for manual timesheets and prevents discrepancies. The system also supports various attendance-tracking methods, including biometric devices and integration with other time-tracking tools.
In terms of time management, Zoho People enables employees to log their work hours and tasks. Managers can review and approve timesheets, ensuring accurate records of hours worked and tasks completed. This functionality helps in calculating overtime, managing projects, and maintaining compliance with labor regulations.

How can I import employee details into Zoho People?

To import employee details into Zoho People, prepare employee data in CSV or Excel format, access the import section, map columns to corresponding fields, review a preview, and confirm the import. Zoho People streamlines this process for accurate and efficient data integration.

Importing employee details into Zoho People is a straightforward process designed to save time and ensure accuracy. The platform provides tools to facilitate bulk data uploads.
To begin, prepare your employee data in a compatible format such as CSV (Comma-Separated Values) or Excel. This data can encompass essential details like names, contact information, job roles, and more. Within Zoho People, navigate to the import section and select the appropriate module, such as Employee Profiles.
Next, follow the prompts to upload your prepared file. The platform will guide you through mapping the columns in your file to the corresponding fields in Zoho People. This ensures that the information is properly aligned and imported correctly. Review the mapping to make any necessary adjustments.
Before finalizing the import, Zoho People typically provides a preview of the data to ensure accuracy. This step allows you to identify and correct any potential errors before the data is added to the system.
Once you’re satisfied with the preview, confirm the import. Zoho People will process the data and populate employee profiles accordingly.

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Does Zoho People integrate with other Zoho applications?

Zoho People seamlessly integrates with other Zoho applications like CRM, Recruit, and Books. This integration streamlines processes, offers a unified data view, and enhances collaboration across various functions within the organization.

Yes, Zoho People is designed to seamlessly integrate with other applications within the Zoho suite, enhancing overall organizational efficiency and collaboration. This integration enables a cohesive ecosystem where various Zoho tools work together harmoniously.
Zoho People can integrate with applications like Zoho CRM, Zoho Recruit, and Zoho Books, creating a unified platform for managing customer relationships, recruitment processes, financial operations, and more. For instance, integration with Zoho CRM allows HR teams to access employee data directly from customer records, ensuring a holistic view of interactions.
Furthermore, Zoho People’s integration with Zoho Analytics enables the creation of customized reports and dashboards, providing in-depth insights into workforce metrics and trends. This integration facilitates data-driven decision-making and strategic planning.

Can Zoho People connect to third-party HR or payroll systems?

Zoho People can connect to third-party HR or payroll systems using APIs and integrations. This facilitates the exchange of employee data, attendance, and leave information, streamlining processes and reducing data discrepancies.

Yes, Zoho People offers integration capabilities to connect with third-party HR or payroll systems, providing flexibility and compatibility for diverse organizational needs. Through APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) and integrations, Zoho People can communicate and exchange data with external systems seamlessly.
This integration enables the sharing of employee information, attendance records, leave balances, and other relevant data between Zoho People and external HR or payroll platforms. It helps to maintain consistent and up-to-date records across systems, reducing the risk of data discrepancies and manual errors.
By integrating with third-party systems, organizations can leverage their existing investments and infrastructure while also benefiting from Zoho People’s comprehensive HR management features. This integration facilitates streamlined processes and minimizes the need for duplicate data entry.

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Are there mobile applications available for Zoho People?

Zoho People offers mobile applications for iOS and Android, enabling employees and managers to access HR tasks, submit leave requests, track attendance, and manage performance evaluations on the go, enhancing convenience and engagement.

Yes, Zoho People offers mobile applications for both iOS and Android platforms, providing convenient access to HR management tools on the go. These mobile apps enable employees and managers to stay connected and engaged with their HR-related tasks and information anytime, anywhere.
Through the mobile app, employees can easily submit time-off requests, log their work hours, and view their leave balances. They can also access their profiles, view company announcements, and participate in HR-driven activities. The app enhances employee self-service, reducing the need for constant communication with HR personnel.
For managers, the app offers features to approve leave requests, review attendance records, and provide feedback on performance evaluations. This empowers managers to effectively manage their teams and make timely decisions even when they’re away from their desks.

How does Zoho People manage employee records and documentation?

Zoho People manages employee records and documentation by creating a centralized database for personal and job-related details. It allows secure storage and categorization of documents like contracts and certifications, streamlining processes through automated workflows and controlled access for enhanced efficiency and data security.

Zoho People efficiently manages employee records and documentation through its organized and accessible system. The platform allows HR professionals to store and maintain a comprehensive database of employee information, including personal details, job history, certifications, and more.
Through the platform’s document management feature, HR teams can securely upload and categorize essential documents such as contracts, resumes, certifications, and performance reviews. This central repository ensures that documents are easily retrievable and minimizes the risk of lost or misplaced files.
Zoho People’s customizable workflows enable automated processes for document submission and approval, reducing manual intervention and streamlining administrative tasks. Additionally, the system’s role-based access control ensures that sensitive information is accessible only to authorized personnel, maintaining data security and privacy.

Can I customize forms, fields, or templates in Zoho People?

Zoho People provides customization options for forms, fields, and templates. You can tailor forms to capture specific employee data and create templates for various HR processes, streamlining workflows and enhancing efficiency according to your organization’s needs.

Yes, Zoho People offers robust customization options for forms, fields, and templates, allowing organizations to tailor the system to their specific needs. You can create and modify forms to capture relevant employee information, adjusting fields to match your desired data points.
The platform provides a user-friendly interface that empowers administrators to define custom templates for various HR processes such as onboarding, leave requests, and performance evaluations. This flexibility ensures that your organization’s unique workflows and data collection requirements are met.
Zoho People’s customization capabilities extend to creating automated workflows that guide the flow of information and tasks according to your organization’s procedures. This streamlines processes, reduces manual intervention, and enhances efficiency.
Furthermore, the platform allows for personalized notifications and alerts, ensuring that the right people are informed at the right time. This helps maintain smooth communication and responsiveness within the organizat

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How can I set up custom HR workflows or approval processes?

In Zoho People, you can create custom HR workflows and approval processes by using the drag-and-drop workflow builder. Define stages, actions, and conditions for processes like leave requests or performance evaluations. This customization streamlines tasks, automates approvals, and ensures consistent processes.

Setting up custom HR workflows and approval processes in Zoho People is a straightforward process designed to match your organization’s unique requirements. The platform offers a flexible interface that empowers administrators to define, automate, and manage workflows seamlessly.
To begin, navigate to the workflow section and select the module you want to customize, such as leave requests, performance evaluations, or onboarding. You can then create a new workflow or modify an existing one to suit your needs.
Zoho People provides a drag-and-drop workflow builder that lets you map out the steps, actions, and conditions of the process. You can design complex approval hierarchies, define triggers, and set up notifications for each stage.

Does Zoho People support role-based access and permissions?

 Zoho People supports role-based access and permissions, allowing organizations to control data access and functionalities based on user roles. This feature enhances security by ensuring that users only have appropriate access to relevant information and actions.

Yes, Zoho People provides robust support for role-based access and permissions, allowing organizations to control data access and system functionalities based on different user roles. This feature is essential for maintaining data security, ensuring confidentiality, and adhering to privacy regulations.
Administrators can assign specific roles to employees, dictating the level of access they have within the system. This ensures that individuals only see information and perform actions that are relevant to their responsibilities. For example, managers might have broader access than regular employees.
Zoho People enables administrators to fine-tune permissions at both module and field levels. This means that administrators can specify who can view, edit, or delete data within different sections of the software. This granular control helps prevent unauthorized access and data manipulation.

Can I automate alerts or reminders for important events or dates?

Zoho People allows you to automate alerts and reminders for important events and dates such as performance appraisals and birthdays. This feature ensures timely communication and helps maintain organizational efficiency and engagement.

Yes, Zoho People enables users to automate alerts and reminders for significant events and important dates. This feature ensures that crucial tasks and deadlines are never overlooked.
Through customizable notifications, administrators can set up automatic alerts for events like performance appraisals, training sessions, and contract renewals. These notifications can be sent via email or within the platform itself, ensuring that the right individuals are informed in a timely manner.
Zoho People’s automation options extend to reminders for upcoming events such as birthdays, work anniversaries, and project deadlines. These reminders enhance employee engagement and foster a culture of recognition and punctuality.

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How does Zoho People handle employee training and development?

Zoho People manages employee training and development by allowing HR to create courses, track progress, and assess outcomes. It integrates training with performance appraisal, fostering a culture of learning and skill enhancement within the organization.

Zoho People effectively manages employee training and development through its comprehensive features designed to enhance learning opportunities and skills improvement. The platform allows HR departments to create and manage training programs, courses, and workshops.
Administrators can set up training modules with details like course content, objectives, and prerequisites. Employees can enroll in these programs, enhancing their skills and knowledge. The platform also supports external training by recording external courses attended by employees.
Zoho People offers assessment tools to evaluate employees’ progress and understanding. This aids in identifying areas of improvement and tailoring future training initiatives.

How is Zoho People priced?

Zoho People offers various pricing plans tailored to the size and needs of organizations. Plans are typically based on the number of employees and come with varying features. Free trials are available, and details can be found on the official website.

Zoho People offers a tiered pricing model designed to cater to different organizational needs and sizes. The pricing structure typically includes multiple plans with varying features and capabilities. The plans may range from basic essentials to more advanced packages with comprehensive HR management functionalities.
The pricing of Zoho People is typically based on the number of employees or users within the organization. Some plans may also offer additional features such as advanced reporting, customization options, integrations, and dedicated customer support.
Zoho often provides a free trial period, allowing users to explore the software’s features before committing to a subscription. The pricing details are transparently presented on Zoho’s official website, providing organizations with a clear understanding of the costs associated with the chosen plan.

Is there a trial period or a free version available for Zoho People?

Zoho People typically offers a free trial period of 15 to 30 days, allowing users to explore its features. There’s also a free version with basic HR tools. Both options help users assess the platform’s suitability before considering a paid plan.

Yes, Zoho People often provides a free trial period that allows organizations to explore the software’s features and functionalities before committing to a subscription. This trial period typically ranges from 15 to 30 days, giving users ample time to assess how well the platform meets their HR management needs.
In addition to the trial period, Zoho People also offers a free version with limited features. This free version serves as an excellent way for small businesses or startups to get started with basic HR management functionalities. While the free version may have some limitations compared to the paid plans, it still offers valuable tools for managing employee information, leave requests and basic workflows.
Organizations can use the trial period or free version to evaluate Zoho People’s suitability for their specific requirements, gaining insights into its user interface, customization options, and integration capabilities. As business needs evolve, users can then choose to upgrade to a paid plan to access more advanced features and tailored solutions for their HR management needs.

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How does Zoho People ensure data security and privacy?

Zoho People ensures data security and privacy through encryption, role-based access, compliance with regulations, regular security audits, and user data ownership. These measures protect sensitive information and maintain user trust in the platform.

Zoho People prioritizes data security and privacy through a multifaceted approach that safeguards sensitive information and ensures compliance with industry standards. The platform employs encryption protocols to protect data during transmission and storage, minimizing the risk of unauthorized access.
Zoho People enforces role-based access controls, enabling administrators to define who can access specific information and perform certain actions within the system. This restricts data visibility to authorized personnel only.
Furthermore, the platform complies with regulations like GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and SOC 2 (Service Organization Control) to ensure data protection and privacy for users across various jurisdictions.

Can I generate HR and employee-related reports with Zoho People?

Zoho People allows users to create a variety of HR and employee-related reports. The platform offers customizable templates, data filtering, visualization options, and automation features, facilitating informed decision-making and effective communication within the organization.

Absolutely, Zoho People offers robust reporting capabilities that empower organizations to generate a wide range of HR and employee-related reports. The platform provides pre-designed templates and customizable options to cater to diverse reporting needs.
Users can create reports on various aspects of HR management, including employee profiles, attendance records, leave balances, performance appraisals, and more. These reports provide insights into workforce trends, performance metrics, and compliance adherence.
Zoho People’s reporting feature allows data filtering, grouping, and sorting, ensuring that the generated reports are tailored to specific requirements. Users can visualize data through charts and graphs, making it easier to interpret and communicate findings.

How are data backups and retrievals managed in Zoho People?

Zoho People ensures data security with automated backups stored in secure data centers. In case of data loss, users can contact support for retrieval. Users also have the option to export their data. These measures safeguard against loss and ensure data availability.

Zoho People ensures data security and availability through a comprehensive data backup and retrieval system. The platform employs automated and regular backups of user data, safeguarding against data loss due to unforeseen events.
These backups are stored in secure and redundant data centers, which are geographically dispersed to enhance resilience. This approach minimizes the risk of data loss due to hardware failures, natural disasters, or other disruptions.
In the event of data loss or accidental deletion, Zoho People provides a data retrieval mechanism. Users can typically contact Zoho’s support to initiate the process of restoring lost or deleted data from the backup archives. However, the specifics of the retrieval process may depend on the organization’s subscription level and the time of data loss.

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